Friday, February 19, 2010


  1. Crazy green goblin from outer space! He must be wearing the strongest boots ever made!!!

  2. Thanks for doing this comic Mr Power!

  3. Nasa wanted to know what his heals are made from but it's a trade secret- I want to let Nike and Adidas fight it out first...and hey Joshua- this isn't a comic it's an animated film! I just can't afford to have him move yet;)

  4. Anonymous10:55 pm

    how long do you spend on each panel dermot ? also loved your tutorial on youtube , more pls :)

  5. I must do more tutorials...maybe the next panel or the one after-thanks for reminding me. I try not to spend longer than 20mins- 30mins on a panel, but sometimes they get a little complicated and take longer. This one took only 20mins to draw but another 20mins trying to figure out the simplest way to show him re-entering the atmosphere.

  6. 'deorbit burn' is what's happening to his shoes according to Nasa
